Frequently Asked Questions

Shopping on is simple. Browse our product catalogue, and add the product you would like to purchase to your shopping bag. To complete the purchase, click on the shopping bag icon on the top right-hand side corner on our website.

Once your order is placed, we’ll be unable to change or amend all information including, email , contact number, recipient name, shipping address and delivery speed, so please check your shopping bag and details before confirming the order.

However, you can cancel your order anytime. Our customer services team is happy to assist you with your order cancellation.

MCM currently does not offer a click & collect service in this location.

Depending on the type of item, MCM products are made available for you in various sizes to choose from. To see whether the product you like is available in another size, click on the size dropdown menu (ruler icon) located on the product page. Should the dropdown display “One Size”, the product is not available in any other sizes.

To help you visualise our product’s sizing, you can easily compare product sizes to a phone, tablet or laptop (available in both cm and inches). On each product’s page, the “Compare Size” button is located conveniently under the product description.

Our MCM online store is operated directly by the brand and is the official online distributor for MCM products. All of the items you purchase on WWW.MCMWORLDWIDE.COM are guaranteed to be 100% authentic. We cannot comment on the authenticity of items purchased elsewhere on the Internet.

Our Client Services team is available Monday to Friday from 11 AM to 8 PM (AEST)

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